Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Day with Grandpa and Gram!!

My poor grandpa has been sick and just recently gotten out of the hospital. The whole fam pitched in and took turns staying with grandpa while he was in the hospital so grandma could have a break. Cass even took a turn one night he was there 12a.m - 7 a.m and then went staight to work he was so tired by the end of the day, but glad to help. That's one thing i love about him, he is always willing to help. Since Grandpa been out and back home we went to visit him. Sienna had so much fun getting into everything at Grandma's.


Janice {Run Far} said...

Your grandpa is such a nice man, to bad he hasn't been feeling well. I can't believe how big your little girl is getting. It goes fast huh?

bcbaldwins said...

Grandma and Grandpa had a great time with her. It looks like she was having a good time too. Thanks for bringing her over to visit them. Love, Mom and Dad

Selfieprotection said...

I hope your grandpa is feeling better now! What a great thing to teach sienna love and compasion