Saturday, October 18, 2008

Haunted Cruise

OOOOOO... Scary Scary!! Last night we took the kids to the haunted cruise on the Provo river. It was a little cheesy but they had fun and that's all that counts. Sienna and Hallee looked over the edge of the boat while Jackson and Dallen sat on the stairs. Sienna loved all the pumpkins and the lights.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Softball, softball, and more softball

Lately it has felt like we have been living at the softball fields, but it is finally over(whoo hoo)! Softball season started the middle of april and was pretty much non stop until now. Cass played at least 4 games a week. So you can see how excited i am about it being all over with. Sienna in the other hand loved to go to all the games so she could play with her little friends. Her favorite is her cousin Trevyn, she would follow and do everything that he did. It's so cute to see them together. I know that this means that summer is really over!!(eek)

Sienna and her Daddy!!

Daddy playing hide in go seek with Sienna and Reese

Sienna and Trev playing under the bleachers

Sienna and Trev

Best Buds!!

A Day with Grandpa and Gram!!

My poor grandpa has been sick and just recently gotten out of the hospital. The whole fam pitched in and took turns staying with grandpa while he was in the hospital so grandma could have a break. Cass even took a turn one night he was there 12a.m - 7 a.m and then went staight to work he was so tired by the end of the day, but glad to help. That's one thing i love about him, he is always willing to help. Since Grandpa been out and back home we went to visit him. Sienna had so much fun getting into everything at Grandma's.